Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul Revolution

With 2012 American elections drawing closer, international and American media is buzzing with one name - Ron Paul.
A lot of independent media websites, activists and young individuals are supporting Ron Paul and the 3 big points on his election campaign agenda
1) End the wars,
2) End the Fed, and
3) End the war on drugs
and are upholding him as the only deserving candidate to be the next American President.
 Where as on the other hand, most of the main stream media outlets are trying to down play Ron Paul by either completely ignoring him, grossly under-representing him on television, and in some cases by constantly trying to focus only on his alleged past actions from over two decades ago rather than paying more attention to what the man has to say today, which clearly comes off as a desperate attempt to tarnish his image in public's minds.  
I guess even the corporate media understands that other candidates are so incompetent that they have to go out of their way to do everything they can to make sure that Ron Paul doesn't just sail through the election campaign to become the next president.

What ever it may be, one thing is for sure Ron Paul's increasing popularity is keeping the opposition leaders and the corporate controlled media houses on their toes.

But even though Ron Paul is the current favorite amongst a lot of young people, political analysts and independent activists because of the sincere points he is raising, let us not jump into conclusions about anything without putting it in context with what political history has to teach us.

Just like Ron Paul is being hailed as the face of change today, it was not long ago when Obama was being up held as the face of change and hope. The first elected black president, and beacon of hope, Obama revolution with slogans like "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek."

During the election campaign four years ago, most of the political pundits, commentators supported Obama's campaign but four years down the line and everybody including his most dedicated supporters want nothing to do with him.

Ron Paul is appealing to a lot of people today because of the promises he is making about the changes he plans to put in place once he becomes the president.
But making and breaking promises is one of the oldest games in politics.
Just making promises doesn't make Ron Paul any different from any of the presidential candidates from the past. What matters is whether he will live up to his word once elected or will he just turn on his words just like most presidents do.

 There are mainly two possibilities that could play out in the up coming elections as far as Ron Paul is concerned.
1) He is yet another puppet politician being put in place to appeal to the public's concerns but will not make any of the changes that he is talking about once elected. In this case he will most probably go on to win the elections through all the publicity he will get whether positive or negative and will not change anything. 

Some of you now might feel that it is impossible that Ron Paul is a corporate or political puppet because he is raising such genuine concerns and points that go against the very corporate and political structure.

But we have to understand that with help of social networking websites and other internet based activities today governments have a surveillance power like never before. Not only can they create and study trends of  the over all mood of the public, but they can drill down to individual level to understand what each citizen is thinking and doing. And with help of such elaborate surveillance system it has become very easy for political/corporate lobbyists to put forth a candidate who has been tailored to speak to the public's concerns at any given time.

I don't think that emergence of Barack Obama as a face of change four years back was an accident either. He was definitely a candidate who was tailored to address the public sentiments four years back.
But people are raising deeper questions now, and Ron Paul is out there addressing those concerns.
I am not saying that Ron Paul seems to be yet another puppet put out there to dupe the public. Most probably he is not a corporate puppet and has been firm on his point of view for a very long time, much before he started running for president. But I just had to point out that this possibility exists.

  2)The second and more likely possibility is that he is a genuine and unique individual who will fight for what he believes in till his own end. In which case two possibilities can play out
   a) He will be successfully ignored and down played by the media and the opposition and he will lose in the election race.
   b) He will go on to win the presidential race against all odds. To understand what might follow if this happens, we will have to briefly look back at the American and Global political history to put him and his political agenda in context.

Mahatma Gandhi, John F Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, John Lennon they all have two things in common, first that they all tried to point out the faults in the system at the most fundamental level, and tried to bring about a fundamental change in the system and the second that they were all assassinated.
Now with this said, let us try to put Ron Paul's political stand point in context.
He is talking about ending the wars at a time when there is a whole industry based upon military, wars and re construction. A powerful industry that loves to reap profits from human death and destruction. He is trying to end the war industry at a time in human society when the society is built on war and violence.
Secondly he wants to end the central bank or federal reserve bank system. The people behind the Federal Reserve are the real owners and rulers of our world. So it is like telling a king I am going to destroy your kingdom, what do you think the King is going to do to you?

And third End the war on drugs - The industry built around pedaling of illegal drugs is a transnational behemoth and reaps profits like no other industry on the planet and is run by ruthless mafia lords with help of politicians around the world. Do you think they will let anyone take away that kind of profit away from them by legalizing drugs? They will not. Besides the leaders don't want to educate people about drugs, they just want to keep them scared by calling them "Illegal drugs".
Besides legalization of drugs might be a blasphemy for religious people, they wouldn't want to see their kids having free access to drugs. 
At the end of it all one of these drug lords, politicians, bankers would have had enough of  Ron Paul's honest point of views and will get him assassinated and pin it on some frustrated father who was too scared that legalization of drugs will destroy his son's life who just got out of a rehab because he was too fucked up on drugs anyway.
Ron Paul is talking about shaking the very fundamental pillars of the corrupt society we have created. And while I would be truly delighted to see such positive changes take place in our world, it is precisely what the rich bankers, businessmen and politicians  do not want to see. They do not want people walking around talking about how our current social economical and political paradigm is flawed at the most fundamental levels. No they don't want that.
They just want temporary fixes and band aids so they can continue their system of control till the end of time.
And these ambitious rulers will do what ever they have to in order to hold on to their position of power and control, this is very evident from the history.

I do not know if Ron Paul is as genuine as he seems to be. But I truly love his political stand point and wish him all the very best.
He is a part of the system and he is trying to shake the system down from within, something I think can not be done because there are elements in the system who are too addicted to power and control. They are rich junkies, junkies who get orgasmic attaining more power and control and just like any other junkie they will do whatever it takes to get their next fix.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

2012 | The Year Of Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Its December again and most people are as usual gearing up to welcome the new year in style, deciding about places to travel to and parties to attend and I have to admit that it is very hard to stay out of the festive spirit, but I decided to take some time out to see if we should be celebrating the arrival of the next year, or should we rather be busy preparing for some apocalyptic events that 2012 might hold for us?
2012 is supposed to be special isn't it? At least if we are to believe a lot of theories out there it is and now that we are almost ready to enter into the new year, i think it would be a good time to gauge what we can expect from the year ahead.
I personally think that 2012 will be nothing more than a year of self-fulfilling prophecies.We will come back to what a self-fulfilling prophecy is, in a while.

First let us look at why the year 2012, specifically the date 21st december 2012 is upheld as the doomsday, end of the world day by different groups of people and theories.
Listed below are different sources of information that people interpret as being the sign of the end of world arriving in 2012.

1) Mayan calendar:

The Long Count calendar identifies a day by counting the number of days passed since a mythical creation date that corresponds to August 11, 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar. According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche' Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed.
In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 14th b'ak'tun ad will end on December 20, 2012.
Which can simply mean, that this calendar which was meant to depict a certain amount of time on a cyclic time frame ends on December 20, 2012. That is like saying that the last date on the 2011 calendar will be December 31st 2012. That doesn't mean that the world or time will end on that particular day. It just means we need to print fresh calendars for the next year. Long count calendars last for thousands of years and I am sure if Maya were still around they would have been busy working on the next long count calendar.

To me a calendar containing dates for a limited amount of cyclic period is no shocker. We get a calendar for a year which contains dates for that year, once the year passes we get the calendar for the next year. Similarly it comes as no surprise to me that Mayans made a long count calendar for a fixed amount of cyclic period that lasted 5000 odd years. I guess they would have planned to make the long count calendar for the next cycle as well when the time came. But they didn't even last through their first long count calendar and that ends on December 21 2012.

On a lighter note, this Mayan calendar theory seems to be nothing more than what the cartoon depicts below.

All said and done, that calendar is some marvelous piece of intricate stone work to say the least.

2) The I Ching:

The I Ching (Wade-Giles) or "Yì Jīng" (pinyin), also known as the Classic of Changes, Book of Changes and Zhouyi, is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. It is an ancient Chinese system of fortune-telling. It does not predict anything by itself, but rather describes a system of making predictions by casting signs.
Although the I Ching makes no predictions itself, it was used by Terrence McKenna in his "Timewave Zero" theory. This is where the assertion that the I Ching predicts 2012 comes from, and not from anything in the I Ching itself.

3) Terrance Mckenna's Time wave Zero theory (Based on I ching):

Terence Kemp McKenna was an Irish-American philosopher, psychonaut, researcher, teacher, lecturer and writer on many subjects, such as human consciousness, language, psychedelic drugs, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and end of the universe, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings. He used the I ching and plotted a graph of what he called 'Novelty' against time. Novelty at any given point in time is representative of the new change at that point in time.
This graph stops on December 21st 2012, which Terence Mckenna said means that "Linear time would cease to exist", and they called it the zero state.
"Achievement of the zero state can be imagined to arrive in one of two forms. One is the dissolution of the cosmos in an actual cessation and unravelling of the natural laws, a literal apocalypse. The other possibility the culmination of a human process, a process of toolmaking, which comes to completion in the perfect artefact: the monadic self, exteriorised, condensed, and visible in three dimensions; in alchemical terms, the dream of a union of spirit and matter".

In other words, with the speed of evolution accelerating, amount of change taking place in a given time is increasing drastically and maybe there will come a time when the rate of change will reach such a speed that change is all that will exist. Various fringe scientists have tried to calculate this point of infinity, giving us calculated dates ranging from 2010 to 2050. Dates that many of us will live to see. Perhaps the date is Dec 22, 2012. Ethnobotanists and fractal time experts Terrence and Dennis McKenna believe so, and they present their ideas in Invisible Landscape: Mind Hallucinogens and the I Ching (1993).
This when seen quite simply makes sense on the technological front. The evolution of technology is rapidly accelerating, today new technologies replace the old ones every month, so it is not so crazy to think that there would come a point where new technologies will replace old technologies everyday and a constant change is all that will exist.
In a nutshell their graph only suggests that 2012 will be a very eventful year with a lot of changes which looking at the current global scenario is not surprising at all.

The three Abrahamic religions Islam, Christianity, and Judaism seem to have very similar apocalyptic prophecies associated with the second coming of the Christ figure and the rise of the Anti-christ leading to invasion of the holy land of Jerusalem Israel. But none of these prophecies have any time line that says this would happen in 2012. They are the prophecies about the end times, and since the surfacing of the mayan calendar end of time in 2012 theories, people have been combining the two in their heads to mean the same thing.

Hindus don't seem to have any particular prophecies about the year 2012, even though some people claim that certain parts of the hindu literature point to the ending of 'Kalyuga' that we are in currently now and the beginning of a golden age called 'Satyuga' in or around 2012. But I will not be too surprised if all radical Hindutva groups go around torturing and killing minorities trying to “make a pure way for the golden age”.

I tried to look for a Buddhist point of view on 2012, but they don't seem to have any prophecies either. Except on someone's website I read that Buddhists see intervention by UFOs in 2012 but I couldn't help myself from not taking that too seriously.

4) Galactic alignment, Pole Reversal, Weakening Earth's magnetic field and Planet X/Nibiru:

Ancient civilizations seem to have referred to the cyclic motion of the heavenly bodies as a method of time keeping, and different positions, and orientations of planets and stars were used as reference points for this time keeping just like the numbers on the face of watch mark different points in a 24 hour day. Galactic alignment seems to have been referred to by the ancient civilizations for the very same reason. Occurring of this alignment would just mark a point on the cyclic long count time keeping and there is very little chance that anything cataclysmic would take place due to this alignment.

Pole reversal is a scientifically proven phenomenon, due to which earth's north pole and south pole switch their positions periodically. Even though a pole reversal might occur in the future, there is no hard evidence to suggest that it would occur any time soon, leave alone on a specific day in 2012.

A lot of scientists and theorists believe that  earth's magnetic field is weakening, which might be scientifically proven. But again, there is no evidence that it would reach a point that would lead to something cataclysmic in 2012.
As far as Planet X/Nibiru is concerned according to some it is supposed to be the 10th planet in our solar system that will return around this time. But scientists find no evidence of existence of any such planet in our solar system and as logical beings let us refrain from believing in something that has no proof of its existence.

5) Nostradmus's apocalyptic quatrains:

Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events.
Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power.Moreover, none of the sources listed offers any evidence that anyone has ever interpreted any of Nostradamus's quatrains specifically enough to allow a clear identification of any event in advance. It is only after a major event taking place that someone interprets one of Nostradamus's works to have predicted that event.

I am sure I have not covered all the possible 2012 theories that are out there, but the ones listed above are the main prophecies and theories that suggest that 2012 will be a year of dimensional change, apocalypse, end of time and the list goes on.

Anyway now let us get back to the question of what a self-fulfilling prophecy is.

According to wikipedia
"A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior.
The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.
In other words, a prophecy declared as truth when it is actually false may sufficiently influence people, either through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy.

In layman's terms a self fulfilling prophecy is one where an individual or a group of people uphold or propagate something someone said in the past and make sure that they do whatever it takes to make that prophecy come true.
There has been a lot of propaganda on the news, information channels and other media in general about 2012 and we have to understand that establishment, and most of the mass media network never air anything that they don't want the public to know about.But 2012 has not been ignored at all, if anything it has only been blown out of proportion to serve a hidden agenda.

The History Channel that is owned by Fox network has aired a handful of special series on doomsday that include analysis of 2012 theories, such as Decoding the Past (2005–2007), 2012, End of Days (2006), Last Days on Earth (2006), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (2007), and Nostradamus 2012 (2008)
The Discovery Channel also aired 2012 Apocalypse in 2009, suggesting that massive solar storms, magnetic pole reversal, earthquakes, super volcanoes, and other drastic natural events may occur in 2012.
There was also a Hollywood blockbuster titled '2012', which showed how 2012 will be a year of utter destruction where mother nature will destroy the very life it sustained. 
And if you know your history, you will know that governments have used mass media, cinema industry to further their propaganda for a very long time. From trying to make marijuana illegal to driving away illegal immigrants was all done by persuading common public of their dangers through propaganda movies. 
One thing is for sure, even if the governments or establishment is not directly behind all the talk about 2012 in the media they at least have no problem with the hype that is being created about it or they would have kept this knowledge away from the common man and the only reason so as to why the governments promoted and allowed theories about 2012 on mass media seems to be- "because it helps their cause". 

With the help of the media there is already a lot of anticipation, doubt and fear that has been created in people's minds. 
While a small portion of people who do their own research might not give into these scare tactics, the common man has successfully been utterly confused.

I personally think that nothing extra terrestrial or unearthly will happen in 2012, rather everything that will go down in the coming year will be completely man made and it will be to serve a very selfish human purpose. 

People from different faiths and religions will make sure that their prophecies come true. Christians will uphold their leader as the Christ figure,and the opposing Islamic or Jewish leader as the Anti-christ and Muslims will hold the christian leader as the Anti christ and they will fight over their holy land and rights and make sure that things are played out exactly how their respective holy books prophesied.
And systematic collapse of world economies, combined with wars, climate control using Haarp and shortage of living resources will sufficiently convince the easily gullible public that it is the end of the world as their respective religions had predicted.

In fact most of the stage for events that will unfold  next year is already being set. Global economy it seems has once again been systematically and deliberately pushed to a point of no return just like it was during the great depression in 1930s which inevitabaly lead to WWII.

Some of the similarities between 1930s and now are uncanny. This is exactly how the economies were systematically collapsed during the great depression and countries were led to war and innocent young people were forcefully drafted into armies to fight and die.

Countries are collapsing one by one, tension between countries is rising, talks about the first great war of the 21st century have become a common place affair.
And as the next step in the fulfillment of these self-pushed prophecies- the war between the holy land of Israel and Iran seems to be drawing closer everyday, and once that happens it will become a religious affair and people will be convinced that it is end of the world indeed.

It will be the next step in what Hunter S. Thompson very aptly termed "A christian Jihad" when he saw the twin towers go down to the ground on September the 11th.
It will be nothing but furthering of a political and religious agenda that is very systematically being put in place and will most probably be executed without much hassle as most people won't be able to wrap their heads around all the chaos that will follow.
Population reduction and a paradigm shift from a world run by sovereign countries to a world run by a single one world government in order centralize the world power seem to be the primary reason for the stage that is being set as I type this out. 
2012 will be an year when the global bankers and leaders will set the stage where they can easily push forth the idea of a New World Order and a One world government and tattered and destroyed by the wars, diseases, killings and the social collapse people will settle for anything that promises peace and order.

If some of the independent researchers and journalists are to be believed the leaders plan to reduce the population of the world to a mere 500,000,000 from the current 7 billion.

By the time our leaders get done with their evil plans the human spirit would have been raped, tattered and destroyed and people who live through this hell will at the end of it beg for peace and mercy at any cost, and will settle for anything the establishment forces on them in exchange for a chance to live. All the human freedoms will be taken away by the establishment, allowing just enough to turn people into mechanical work machines.

The new leaders will be hailed as the Christ figures, and the ones that lose will be marked in history books as the evil and a new global empire will be installed and pushed forward as the beginning of a more peaceful time for humanity united under one government where divisions like country, religion will cease to exist.

They will sell war as peace, and slavery as freedom and people will buy it because they will be too weak to fight back.They will sell the one world government idea as a chance for humanity to grow beyond man made boundaries and unite and people will buy that.

But when the day comes, don't be fooled by their lies. The leaders only care about controlling every god damn thing in the world, and they will stop only when they do. They will make it look like they are doing all this for you the common man, but when they do remember that they will be the farthest from the truth.

2012 will not be the end of the world, it will be the continuation and furthering of an already ongoing systematic collapse of the society that will eventually lead to further centralization of the world power into the hands of fewer men, and these men will decide how we will live and die.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anna Hazare | Face of Change Or NOT!!!!

Everybody is overjoyed to see that a lot of people are joining Anna Hazare to end corruption.
But where people see unity and hope for change, I see hopelessness like never before.

While for most people, the hope for a corruption free country might increase with every new person that joins this mindless revolution.
I see every new person who joins this fasting movement as just one more person who has no clue about the real problem behind corruption, and the hope for a truly corruption free society moving one step closer to going down the drain.

It makes me sad. Sad to see that 21st century Indian society still thinks that a deep rooted problem like corruption can be tackled by fasting.

Is this the best our leading social workers and thinkers can do?

Shouldn't we logical people try and see if there is a direct connection between the problem of corruption and fasting? Isn't that how we go about problem solving? To understand the problem thoroughly and then come up with a way to fix it?

And no matter how deep you go into the problem of corruption, you will not find a connection between fasting and corruption, trust me on that.

What is the difference between a child refusing to eat because his mother refuses to act according to his will, and Anna Hazare refusing to eat till people around him refuse to act according to him?

I don't know what the difference is, but I do know that both scenarios reflect on a lack of understanding of the problem, and hence a lack of understanding of how to go about tackling that problem.

And if our leading activist's understanding of the social problems is equivalent to that of a child's, then it is not fair to expect too much from the common man.

Also if a child, who doesn't understand much about how the society or people function, and a 74 year old man resort to the same way to get things done.
Then it makes me wonder, do people learn anything about life at all?

But looking at all the people and their hope of achieving change through the method that Anna Hazare is employing is not surprising at all. Since no one seems to be doing anything about solving the problem, people are just blindly following anyone who is trying to do at least something. Whether that something has anything to do with the actual problem seems to be of little importance to us.

They would have followed anyone else who would have decided to keep digging a hole in the ground till corruption ends.
Imagine over one billion people digging stupid holes to end corruption, and now think about those same people fasting to achieve the same thing and you will get what I mean.
People are just ready to follow anyone who is ready to lead, without any critical thought going into the fact if there is any connection between the actual problem, and the method being employed to solve it.

Some people at this point would like to lash out saying at least he is doing something, what are you doing?

To that all I have to say is that - while something might be better than doing nothing. Doing nothing is definitely better than wasting your time doing something nonsensical like fasting to end corruption.

Besides the truest revolution is the most silent one. There will be no one on the streets pointing fingers at other people or asking other people to change themselves and stop being corrupt. Because people will be too busy observing their own corruption in their daily lives and changing themselves.

And that's what I am doing to end corruption, recognizing the corruption in me and changing myself.

It might not seem as extravagant as Anna Hazare fasting on streets with thousands people behind him, but at least it's honest and true.

Fasting to end corruption, will only remove 10 corrupt politicians, and put different 10 corrupt ones in their place. And a few scandals down the line people will realize that these 10 are no better than the previous 10.

If history has taught us anything, it is that even Mahatma Gandhi couldn't end corruption by fasting. He just managed to replace the corrupt British faces with our own "desi" Indian versions of them.

According to the dictionary, Corruption is "Lack of integrity or honesty, or Moral perversion". Now look into your actions on a daily basis, and see how much of integrity, honesty, and morality exists in your own choices. Then we can talk about other people's choices, leave alone politicians.

Looking at the meaning of the word shows that corruption is something that exists at every level social existence. Friends are corrupt with one another, brothers are corrupt with one another, neighbours are corrupt with one another, lovers are corrupt with one another.

So how can the problem of corruption be ended by just putting 10 or 20 corrupt people in jail? When there are over billion other people still walking freely on the streets being corrupt their every waking moment?

If we are talking about bringing corrupt people to justice and to be put into prison, then don't just stop at bringing down a few politicians whose corruption has been caught on tape. 99% if not 100% of the population needs to be put in jail.

Corruption is so rampant in our society that with every corrupt person put in jail, I very much doubt that there would be anyone left out of the prison to lock us in.

We have to understand that politicians are just the leaders of our corrupt society, the rest of us make up that corrupt society.
Leaders are just leading by example. Blame yourself for the corruption, not some people sitting in the parliament.

If we agree that our society is corrupt, then the next step is to accept that we are all part of this society that is corrupt and hence are contributing to the problem.

The corrupt India is not just made up of 20-30 or 100 or even a 1000 corrupt politicians, it is made up of over one and half billion corrupt people.

Anna Hazare's Lok pal bill will definitely not free India from corruption. It will at best
1) give corrupt citizens more freedom to point fingers at equally corrupt politicians and in the process allow them to continue being in denial about their own corrupt selves, and,
2) Will train politicians to be more subtle and cunning about being corrupt, and hence in turn making them more efficient at being corrupt.
And honestly I fail to see the bright side of having politicians who are more skilled at fooling the public.
Look at USA, that's what has happened there.
I cite America as an example because I feel that it has already reached a point where every developing country including India is trying to get to. We are trying to imitate the American way so seriously that looking at America’s current state is like looking into India’s future.
The people of the United States have been fighting and hoping for a corruption free society for as long as we have and may be longer and look where trying to fight corruption by going on the streets got our American friends. The American government and world bankers are sucking the life out of their own citizens, and the people of the rest of the world and they still manage to convince a large portion of human population that they are the good guys.
Are the politicians of India any less corrupt than their American counterparts? I would say no they are not, they are as corrupt if not more. Indian politicians still lack the finesse that comes with the art of being thoroughly corrupt. But we are slowly getting there, because if we keep trying to fight corruption in such naive ways, we will just end up creating leaders and citizens who are more skilled at exploiting fellow humans.
The point being that even if the lok pal bill is passed, it will not make anyone any less corrupt than they were a day or a month ago. So the whole theme of the movement that everybody is so excited about - End Corruption and Corruption Free India will go for a toss.

Corruption rises out of people giving more importance to their own selfish interests over the common interest of everyone else involved, and if we honestly ask ourselves we will see that we all do it.
And the only way to end corruption would be to look at everyone as your own, and to give equal importance to overall welfare as we give to selfish needs, then we will achieve a balance in our actions which will eventually give rise to a corruption free society.

The only true everlasting change can come about through self change. When people stop feeling the need to point fingers at other people and start observing perversion and corruption of their own mind, we will see a corruption free society.

This whole Anna Hazare charade can best be described as- A blind man leading a whole country of blind citizens promising them a world that he himself has never seen and doesn't know how to find.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prostitution | Poverty meets Sexual Suppression

"Prostitution is bad, and must be stopped at any cost", is the general response you get from most people.

And all the feminists and the women right activists, cops and all the rest of the social moral policing circus go barging straight into the brothels catching the helpless prostitutes and their desperate clients in the act, that can hardly be called love making even by the most twisted and sick minds and drag them out half naked in public straight to the prison. And in the process snatch away whatever little dignity they had left.

Even though everybody agrees that prostitution is bad, nobody seems to really know what it is exactly about prostitution that is bad. Because if people knew what was wrong with prostitution, then they would also know how to fix it.

You can usually tell how well an individual or a group of people understands a problem, by looking at the way they try to solve that problem.
And our way of dealing with such issues, reflects on a very poor understanding of the problems of the world to say the least. The way we handle social problems like prostitution cannot even be called finding a solution to the problem. At best it can be looked at as desperate attempt at trying to cover up our own mess.

Of course there is no denying that some people are into the profession because they make a lot of money, are happy being sex workers.
And if a person is happy prostituting herself/himself, I have nothing to say to them. It’s the rest of the helpless unhappy sex workers that I am concerned about.

Most individuals are too busy leading their own little selfish lives and have no time to ponder over these social issues, and since people have not had the time or concern to come to their own intelligent conclusions about such problems, they just mindlessly repeat what they have heard other people say over and over again without having any understanding of the actual problem.
Something on the lines of "Prostitution is an ugly scar on the face of humanity, and must be gotten rid of".

While I totally agree with the fact that prostitution is ugly, sad and degrading to women, I disagree with the method being employed to counter prostitution with the same intensity.

Prostitution, just like war is a product of our society.It has grown out of the very structure of our society ans is a result of the very way of life which we have all agreed to live by.

But while most people very willingly like to take a lot of personal pride in talking about the seemingly positive results or accomplishments of the way of life of our species, the most common and over rated one being technological advancement.
On the other hand we as individuals and hence as societies are equally reluctant to accept and embrace the adverse impacts of our social paradigm.
And since we refuse to accept that all social problems are consequences of all our choices and actions, to keep hoping for any real change to occur only seems more and more pointless.

Problems like prostitution are dealt with as if it is an ugly burden that was imposed on our society by some external force and needs to be gotten rid of.

The haste with which we want to turn a blind eye to, or cover up these ugly faces of human paradigm reflects on a nauseating sense of shame and embarrassment that we as individuals and societies are too fearful to face.

May be deep down inside we all know that each one of us is responsible for these problems, but we keep running away from facing ourselves.
Because if we accept that these social and individual problems are a result of our way of life, then we can no longer point fingers at other people for these problems and will inevitably have to change the way we live.

So in order to avoid having to give up our selfish lifestyles, we quickly try to detach ourselves and our actions from these problems and make believe that a problem like prostitution is something that is being forced on to us for no fault of ours and try to fight it as an external adversity that exists independently of our choices and actions.
Just like how a father wants to take all the credit for his son's achievements if the son is successful according to social norms, but wants nothing to do or claims to have nothing to do with his son's failure if he is not successful, all of us as individuals only want to associate with the positive aspect of the social paradigm and claim to have nothing to do with the negative.

Anyway let us try and see how our choices, decisions and actions as individuals lead to a problem like prostitution.

On taking a closer look it becomes clear that prostitution seems to be the love child of two more basic or fundamental problems with our society.

1) Poverty
2) Sexual suppression

Let us look into how each one of us is contributing to the problems of poverty and mass sexual suppression and in the process try and witness the birth of prostitution from our very actions.

Our social design is based on a very animalistic drive of selfish competition for survival. You look around and you see everyone competing for everything, for schools, for colleges, for jobs and for every other senseless thing.
Through all these competitions, everybody is trying to secure more resources and money for themselves, in order to improve their individual chances of survival. Now when everybody is trying to pull limited resources and money to their own houses and bank accounts, there is bound to be a struggle and fight for resources and power. And where there is a fight someone has to lose.
So some people manage to successfully compete and secure more money and resources for themselves, while the others lose and are forced to struggle for a basic survival. And people who managed to snatch away resources and money now find themselves in a stronger position to compete further and continue to hoard more and more for themselves. We see everybody increasing their bank accounts deposits, whether it be politicians or any common man.
And the people, who had failed to secure resources for themselves, now find it even harder to compete with people with more resources. And hence in our society we see that rich people keep getting richer, and the poor get poorer.
So while we see some people staying in mansions worth millions of dollars and driving super expensive cars, many others barely manage to find one meal a day.

We all see building our individual bank account deposits as a very natural thing to do but we make a lot of noise when politicians do it. Not because it's corrupt, but simply because they managed to hoard a lot more than most of the common public could.

The problem is that everybody creates an image for themselves, and calls it ‘me’ and builds their lives centered on it. To this image of ‘me’, people usually attach a few other people and call them my, this usually includes few family members and in some cases friends.
And the moment there is something that is ‘me’ and ‘my’, there automatically comes into existence something that is ‘not me’ and ‘not my’.
So people might postpone or give up the idea of buying the next big TV, car, or house if their own sisters and mothers were on the verge of being forced to prostitute themselves to make a living because they belong to the image of ‘me’ as my mother and sister.
But since people fail to connect to the whole of humanity as ‘my’, even though women have been forced by poverty to sell their soul and dignity for survival, all of us continue to build our individual bank accounts so we can take that next big holiday abroad, and buy the next cool gadget. Because we see these other women as 'not my' mother or sister.
Hence we see how all of us individually are responsible for the plight of women in this male dominated society.
But prostitution is not a supply driven market, but rather a demand driven one. Women with all other hopes lost, decide to make a living by selling themselves because a demand for such a service already exists in the society.

And this is where we come to the second problem of sexual suppression.

Even if someone, whether man or woman is prostituting themselves because there is a lot of money in the profession, the fact that a need for the existence of a profession like sex worker arises out of sexual suppression cannot be denied.

It seems that as part of the society, we all contribute to sexual suppression to some degree or the other for two reasons.

1)Even though different cultures and countries handle sex with varying degrees of sensitivity. One thing that is more or less common to all cultures and religions is that chastity, and abstinence are looked at as moral virtues and sex is either considered a taboo or less respectable to say the least.
Now As I said earlier, that everybody creates an image for themselves called ‘me’ or ‘I’.
And just like competing for resources is necessary for survival, competing for a positive social image is equally critical to social existence.
Social acceptance is very necessary for survival, because a negative social image leads to inevitable ostracisation of the individual.
Another important point that needs to be made at this point is the fact that sexual instinct is the second most dominating human instinct, after survival.
And caught up in a social paradigm where sexual instinct is suppressed rather than faced and understood for what it is, people being too fearful of being judged negatively for their sexual desires end up suppressing them. And as a result of suppression of such a basic instinct, doesn’t successfully put the sexual desire to rest, but forces it to come to surface in morally deprived ways like prostitution.

If psychology and study of the human mind has taught us anything, it’s that the only way to get over one’s fears, and anxieties is to face them, and not to suppress them. Suppression only leads to depression, and conflict.

2)The second reason for sexual suppression being the fact that just like we selfishly compete for resources, we also compete for sexual partners. And it usually helps to condemn or discourage other people from engaging in sexual act, so that with everyone else out of the way we can improve our own chances of sexual intercourse.
Our contempt for sexual act seems to arise more out of jealousy than out of concern for moral values.
I am sure everybody wants to be part of as many out of the box sexual experiences as possible, but since people find themselves deprived of fulfilling their desires. They discourage other people from achieving that too, by labeling the act as evil, or unhealthy. As a species and civilization we clearly love sex. Our increasing population is a testament to our sexual inclination. But while we like to go wild behind closed doors, once out we like to maintain a sombre image. And as this social charade of double standards continues, many people are completely deprived of sex and all the sexually frustrated people find themselves heading to the red light districts to get what the society deprived them of.
So we see here again, that for our selfish need to maintain a positive social image as individuals, and to compete for sexual partners we lead a two faced life and have created a social paradigm that when combined with poverty in a male dominated society inevitably leads to prostitution.

Continuing to live in a social paradigm
1)Where everybody is selfishly competing with one another for survival, and people are forced to do anything and everything to make a living and,
2) where the second most strongest instinct of sex is continuously suppressed and tabooed rather than explored and intelligently understood.

and then trying to stop something like prostitution, will directly result in even more stronger suppression of the sexual drive and will only end up bringing out the sexual needs in ways so sick and perverted that will make prostitution look like child's play.

The only way to free humanity from these miseries is to shift from a social paradigm where everybody leads a self-centered life to one where concept of 'me' and 'my' becomes obsolete.
Once people truly grow beyond their selfish needs, then possibly we can think about sharing our resources equally and handling and understanding life without perversion for selfish means.
Any other method to tackle social problems like prostitution short of the required self-change will only be a band aid, or temporary fix and not a solution.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tribes & The diminishing hope for peace and unity

The word tribe or tribal usually brings to our minds images of half naked people covered in seemingly funny body mutilations and drawings living in small groups in the jungle.

But its true meaning goes way beyond the common place understanding of the word.

According to dictionary a tribe is “a division, class, or distinct portion of people, from whatever cause that distinction may have originated”.

It usually helps to understand what words were meant to convey when they were first constructed, rather than what they have come to mean today after decades, if not centuries of misuse.
So coming back to the real meaning of the word tribe we see that any sub group that exists in humanity today constitutes a tribe.
Hence every culture, nation, religion, region, language, color, caste based division that exists in the world today constitutes a tribe of its own.
And each of these groups has its own ideas about everything. They have their unique social norms and practices, religious rituals and beliefs, sense of clothing, taboos, and notions of attractiveness and so on.
And since each of these groups makes a tribe, all people who identify themselves with any of these groups and follow the belief system of their respective group are tribal by the very definition of the word.

For example every patriotic Indian, American, German, or every fervent Muslim, Christian, Hindu is a tribal person.

Till people continue to be a part of these existing tribes, and follow the belief systems that were fed into them by their society they will be tribal.

For instance notions of beauty in our modern world are in a way as tribal as in the Mursi tribe of Africa.
Just like their sense of self-mutilation as an idea of attraction might be based on some irrational concepts or traditions that have been going on for a long time so are our modern ideas of self-mutilations.

Just like their notions of beauty might not appeal to us, ours might seem equally unattractive to them, simply because we hold on to our tribal notions, and they to theirs.

The point being that not only does the concept of self mutilation as a form of self expression seem pointless, and illogical. But also that it has turned into another tribal concept or fad that people blindly follow.

Every body in the modern world wants to get a tattoo or a piercing done because they see people around them do it and because it has been accepted as a sign of beauty, attractiveness and coolness. And who doesn't want to be cooler than the people around them? Everybody does. And the moment you follow a lifestyle blindly, you are tribal.

And while our approach towards self mutilation might seem a little more refined than the people from jungle tribes, we can always find extreme cases of mindless self mutilation even in the urban jungle.

Besides reducing self-expression to mere physical appearance is as shallow as it can get. Self-expression should be about expressing one's true inner self.

But to find one's unique self-identity, individuality one needs to look into him or herself. And since most people have no interest in exploring themselves, they are all more or less the same individuals from within, and try to find their individuality on the surface through external modifications to their shallow selves.

Their individuality is only skin deep.

So if you are a person who blindly follows any norms, rules and ideologies of a society, instead of being an independent thinker who comes to his own intelligent conclusions about life separate from the herd you are tribal.

It must be clear by now, that more than anything else being tribal is a state of mind. It is a way to go about life- an ignorant way, that requires people to be a blind follower of patterns and practices.

While a few tribes might have come into existence simply as remote totally isolated cultures, we see that instead of these cultures coming together and uniting as they are slowly being exposed to one another, they are headed quite in the opposite direction.

Not only do these different tribes of nations, religions and so on rigidly refuse to come together, but these existing tribes themselves are further being divided into more and more subgroups.

Because we see ourselves detached from everything else around us, we as individuals constantly tend to search for our individual identity detached from the over all one, the whole of humanity. And no matter how further we keep dividing humanity into smaller and smaller groups, there will always be a person or more who will still feel the need to detach him/her/ them selves from the existing divisions and create an identity of their own by further dividing humanity.

Our ego creates an image of 'me' and 'my'. And the concept of 'my' can attach itself to anything including ideas and notions. So ego attaches itself to ideas, notions, way of life as 'my', and wants nothing to do with anyone who doesn't agree with these notions. Every single person wants to see other people live according to his/her belief system.
And when other people don't act according to one's belief system, one's ego in order to feel superior to the other people, and their ideologies tries to detach itself from all that doesn't agree with it's ideas by creating a label for itself 'my' separate from the rest that is 'not-my'.
So we see that the existence of divisions is necessary for the ego to satisfy its need to feel superior. For example the divided identity of a group like Hindus needs to exist and persist separate from the Muslims and other religions so that each of these groups can feel superior to one another. That is the reason that these groups never agree to grow beyond these divisions and come together. The need to feel superior surpasses all human intelligence in this case.

This is very visible in the fact that every existing group of humanity believes itself to be superior compared to the rest. Hindus feel superior to other religions, and so do Muslims, Christians, Jews and so on. Every country and it's people feel superior to other countries and their people and so on. This desperate need to feel superior can be observed in every walk of humanity both at individual and collective level.

Each individual's egoistic need to feel superior to everyone around him/her, keeps people from accepting all the other existing people, their ideas and lifestyles as part of whole of humanity, and trying to unite all of them to attain one improved unified understanding of everything only remains a dream.

Instead our ego keeps us divided from everyone and everything around us. And so instead of coming together as humanity, we are dividing humanity into smaller and smaller groups to find our individuality.
And we will keep distancing and dividing ourselves from others around us, till each one of us is utterly alone, with no other human being in sight for miles.
Hopefully then our ego will find it’s individuality. But with no one else around the whole concept of individuality and the struggle to find it might just lose its meaning.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Human Or Reptile?

Reptiles have survived on earth for a very very long time. And the reason behind their success is simple – Conserve as much energy as possible, and spend just enough of it necessary for basic survival and reproduction.
Thinking about it for a while, the reptilian approach towards life can be described in one word – Lazy.
The snakes are quite happy just surviving. Besides there is not much they can do with life anyway. Nature has given them just enough to survive. They live to live and they die. They are biologically engineered to do just that.
So if you see a snake slithering across the grass in the park. You don’t have to stop and ask it where it is headed and for what. Chances are that either it is headed to find a mate or to find some food so it can tuck it's self back into it’s comfortable burrow.
Also it would be worth keeping in mind that snakes are not very friendly creatures, so it would be advisable to not intrude on a busy snake. Because it’s reptilian brain will most likely see you as a threat and the snake might attack. And we all know that is not a very healthy thing for you.
Rather a jog around the park would be something I’d suggest for good health since you are in the park anyway.
Even though reptiles like snakes, and lizards have been around for millions of years. Their brains did not evolve beyond mere cold blooded survival because they had evolved enough to survive just fine in their paradigm.
But over these millions of years a line of evolution ended up with us humans. So logically enough, since we have evolved from reptiles, our brains have evolved from them too.
And it is a widely known biological fact that our brain can be looked at as consisting of three layers, namely.
1) The innermost and hence at the core we have the reptilian complex
2) Over that we slowly evolved the limbic region as reptiles gave way to early mammals
3) And right on top, we humans have developed the final part of our brain that makes us human to begin with – The Neo-cortex.
And all our actions without any exception are a result of combinations of all these instincts our brain has collected over billions of years of evolution.
But even though our brains our bigger and more capable than that of any other animal on this planet. We don’t seem to be living very differently from the rest of them.
Today the human society is only evolving along the lines of reptilian concept of laziness.
Our technology, and our way of life is only aimed towards making us more lazy and lethargic. Just like the reptiles- We are obsessed with conserving as much energy as possible, and we see it as a good thing too.
Affluence, comfort, social classes, and quality of life are all closely associated with how one can get more lazy and comfortable and get more and more of their work done by other poorer people. Be it driving, washing dishes, cooking food, doing the lawn or taking care of children.
We consider hiring other people to spend time with our own kids as a classy act. A thing for the successful rich and the famous. This will give you a good idea about how lost humanity is.
And everybody in society who is not in a position that fits with these notions of a good quality life is striving to get there. We are constantly chasing materialistic objects for momentary satisfaction.
Doesn't anybody ever wonder how our ancestors would have lived their life before the advent of all the modern technology?
Then people wonder how the ancient people had so much knowledge about the mind and the universe.
Because they spent time on things that mattered.

A humble life is never seen as an option for the so called smart people in the society.
But I resonate more closely with Henry David Thoreau’s idea of an intelligent lifestyle.
He said “Any man intelligent/wise enough would choose a life of poverty over that of affluence.”
As a civilization and a specie at large, our reptilian instincts have dwarfed our newly found intelligence completely.
Looking at the way we live our lives as a global culture, our reptilian instincts stand tall and proud like The Himalayas, while our intelligence is like a feeble individual contemplating the thought of conquering the majestic peaks.

It is not impossible, it has be been achieved in the past.

As Hunter S. Thompson rightly and very gently described a scene from a bar in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – “I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things.”
And reptiles have all the right to live a reptilian existence because that’s what they are capable of.
But what are we going to hide behind? What reason do we have to still be living such decadent, creepy and grossly unintelligent life?
When is the intelligence going to take control of our rampant crazy and out of control reptilian instincts, and pull humanity forward?
When are we going to stop seeing comfort, laziness as ends in themselves? When are we going to open ourselves to the true potential of human life of creativity, love and peace?
As Einstein said in his essay – The Life As I see it

"I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts -- possessions, outward success, luxury -- have always seemed to me contemptible.”

Any man truly aware of what it means to be human would choose eternal bliss of kindness, beauty, art and truth over the trivial meaningless concepts like luxury, comfort, materialism.

Today human race has still not reached a point in evolution where it truly deserves to be called humanity.
If one were to compare the fundamental aspects of paradigm of dinosaurs with our own. I doubt one would spot any differences.
It was cold blooded unintelligent survival 220 million years ago and it still is the same. Those reptiles mindlessly competed with one another for survival, so are we.

So while the common man without much thought feels that humanity is slowly moving forward. I see something quite the opposite.
If I am to look at the ground reality of things, humanity seems to have not moved one inch out of the jungle. Well! scattered individuals have through out history tapped into the unchanged beauty and truth of the universe.
But as a species not only have we failed, we are in fact headed in completely the opposite direction, if we are moving at all that is.

Today humanity seems to be headed on a one way track to destruction, and hope for any positive change is diminishing by the hour.
And if the human specie does go down, it is not the humanity that will fail.

True humanity never really got a chance.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A look at ourselves through the eyes of our leaders

It all began with your forefathers,
and while you foolish people fight among yourselves
We still give the orders.
And will continue to.

You may ask how?

The same way we have till now.

By feeding on your ignorance and petty arrogance.
While you people debate on whose point of view is more genuine.

By giving you ways to keep yourselves entertained, so that even though the truth is in front of your eyes,
You will not see it because with all this charade we have you hypnotized.

We always controlled your life, and we still do
We can kill you when we want and your loved ones too.

So don't come in our way by doing too much thinking.
Just buy all the nonsense we have been feeding.

Look at your friends and learn a thing or two,
Just remain willfully ignorant or we will come and kill you too.

Just enjoy this materialism we have invented for you and be satisfied,
Why do you waste your time fighting for these people who just care about being proven right?

We have ruled over you for generations, so listen to what we have to say
Nothing will change till your brothers understand the truth you want to convey.
But we are sure that your egos will keep you divided, and yet again we will have it our own way.

And yet again we will have it our own way.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bollywood and It's Role In Indian Society | Escapism

Usually I am not a TV kind of a person, but these days I am in Uttar Pradesh and I am guilty of being in front of the television more than I would usually like for various reasons.

But yesterday while flipping through channels I came across this movie called Agaaz (starring Sunil Shetty as the lead), and decided to watch a few minutes of what was going on.

The scene was that the protagonist was being stabbed by political rowdies, while his baby sister was being raped by one of the gang members in broad day light while the whole society watched in silence.

And now I think I understand why there are so many repetitive bollywood movies being made and watched for decades.

Also I am not a big fan of Bollywood films because of the very same reason - I feel they are repetitive in the kind of emotions or scenarios they are trying to bring out. Because I personally like to explore as many different emotions as life has to offer.

Most of the bollywood films deal with the same scenarios of love between people of different social statuses, political rowdyism and so on.

But now I understand the reason behind this.

These scenarios are a part of people's daily lives, and while real life usually does not have happy endings. These movies certainly do.

Since people have lost hope of justice in society, they at least like to see truth win over evil in their fantasies by putting themselves in the shoes of the protagonist or any other character.

This is the reason why there are innumerable movies being made and watched over and over again about the same life scenarios.

This is a perfect example of cinema being used as a form of escapism.

And this is in a country who tag line is "Satyameva Jayate" - "Truth always wins"

If this doesn't open your eyes to how hypocritical society is, nothing will. And remember me and you and everyone is part of this society. So don't detach yourself from the term "society" while reading this.

Also these kind of films are still more popular among the rural population of the country as compared to their urban counterparts.

But by that I don't mean there is less injustice in cities. But the urban people don't get to see such injustice out in the open so often because they are much higher up the social/economic ladder.

But these kind of scenarios are still a part of daily lives of the rural folks.

Nobody wants to change the society. While the poor helpless people live their lives with no hope of justice, the rich and influential people who can make a difference don't want to do anything.

They just want to give them ways to escape their miserable existence for a few hours. And there is a reason why the rich and influential who can spend billions of dollars on such cinema don't want to do anything about these hopeless situations.

And the reason is - Because they are already rich and safe. These problems are not a part of their life, and so they sit and do nothing about such hopeless inhumane scenarios. All they do is make a spectacle out of these sad situations in the world so that they can make more money from these hopeless people and get richer and richer.

Such movies will continue to be made and watched till life doesn't become worth living for majority of the population.

Also escapism in cinema is seen as such a normal and obvious thing. To the thoughtless people of course. Think about this for a minute - What good is a life if you constantly need ways to escape it?

Now why don't things change? Because everybody is selfish. Anybody who is happy sitting comfortably in their homes and look at these problems of the world while only taking care of their own careers and lives is selfish and is part of the problem and not the solution.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Music & Language

First let us understand the importance of music, and the role it plays in our daily lives without us even realizing may be.

Till 1960s scientists felt that the primary function of Human DNA was protein synthesis. But now they know differently. Scientists now say that only 3% of DNA's function is protein synthesis, the rest 97% of DNA's function is to respond to sound frequencies, and vibrations.

This new revelation might explain the profound over-powering experience music often has on people.

Also many scientists and musicians have collaborated on projects to record the vibrational frequencies of the four base molecules of DNA and convert them into sound frequencies and make music out of these frequencies. So it turns out everybody is like a note of music really.

Now coming to language.

Before well defined spoken language came about,there were only sounds. Just like even today all species of animals have sounds that they use to interact ideas and emotions.

These sounds might not make any sense to us, but they very well get the idea across to the members of their own species.

Obviously enough today these sounds seem inefficient to us humans because we feel there are better ways to express ideas.

But language was born out of nothing but these primitive sounds. Out of our need to communicate more efficiently. But even though the languages used today might be a little superior way of interacting, it's hardly an improvement as far as true communication goes.

Words are dead and inert, and a meaning has been assigned to each one. But they are still sounds, more refined sounds may be. But still sounds that we use to express our ideas.

But how do we know that we actually communicate our ideas using language?

For example the word 'food' might have completely different meanings to different people. To a rich guy it might be symbolic of the food he ate in an expensive restaurant the previous night or all through out his life and might bring about a happy memory.

But the same word might have completely different meaning to a poor man who has only seen his family and himself struggle for food. For him it might be a word he attaches a lot of sadness to.

So we see that language is limited and sometimes true communication, in fact most of the times true communication might take place without any exchange of words.

Now let us examine the role of language in music.

We have seen that language is limited. Hence when you listen to a song with lyrics it produces limited familiar emotions that a language is capable of producing.

Where as, in music without lyrics where you are producing emotions just with music without words, your musical experiences are no more confined by language and its limitations. Hence the listener experiences more pure emotions and is open to unknown and different states of mind.

Also if you can produce emotions in a song without being bound by words, and language it somehow seems like much more pure form of music. It also seems that it takes a lot more out of a musician to bring emotions out without the use of language.

Even the experience for the listener is more pure and limitless.

I am not comparing the two kinds of music as good and bad and I am not discriminating against one kind of music and supporting another with a bias. I listen to any kind of good music. But I am aware of the limitations of different kinds of experiences.
And by putting you through experiences untouched by language and culture which is a product of the past, this kind of language free music might also help you open your mind up to possibilities that language can never bring about.